Brook Elwart, Rebekah's Health & Nutrition

Lets Start Making Our Health a Priority!

“I wish I could exercise and eat healthy but I’m just so busy with (fill in the blank).”Sound like something you’ve said or heard before?I’ve heard some variation of this phrase time and time again and although it’s not the same excuse each time, they each have something in common.. it’s JUST an excuse.👀 Usually to distract from the real reason of why that person is putting off exercise and eating healthy —> they don’t really want to that bad.The truth is: we make time for things that are important to us so if exercising and eating nutritious foods is important, we make it happen!✨Some people just have a natural drive to exercise and eat healthy and it comes easy because they enjoy it. For others it seems like a chore and can take drastic news about their health to force them to start exercising and eating better. My advice- don’t wait until you’re forced to exercise in order to FIX your health. Start making it a priority NOW to prevent that from happening.😇No matter how busy our lives are, I guarantee we can all make time for some sort of movement each day. 🤸‍♀️ Go for a walk or bike ride, stretch while you watch TV, dance while you cook, try out a yoga or zumba class, workout at home for 30 minutes before work, etc.As for eating healthy, it doesn’t need to be complicated. Start simple by swapping sugary drinks for water or zero calorie drinks. Don’t focus on all the foods you “can’t” have, but rather the foods that you can ADD in like fruits, veggies, & whole grains!🥑🥕If you’d like more tips on exercise, nutrition, or how to create a healthy lifestyle shoot me a message!📲

Brook Elwart- B.E. FIT

Protein, Supplements 101, Rebekah's Health & Nutrition

Which protein powder is good for you!

There’s so many protein powder supplements out there but are they necessary to take??🤔The simple answer is: you don’t NEED to use protein powder to reach your fitness goals.

When it comes to protein powder supplements, they’re not essential but if you struggle to get enough protein in your diet, they can be beneficial! It’s doable to get enough protein in through whole foods but sometimes the convenience of a protein powder is nice to have as an option! ✨

My rule of thumb is that people who exercise should be getting at least 1.6-2.2g of protein per kg of body weight, especially when aiming for fat loss.✨Protein is so important when it comes to exercising and trying to lose weight because:

1. Aids in satiety (feeling full)
2. Preserves lean body mass
3. Helps build & recover muscles from exercise


This is sourced from cow’s milk so if you are dairy intolerant, I wouldn’t make this a first choice. However, it’s a complete protein and you have a choice between isolate or casein. A whey protein isolate is absorbed the fastest so it’s great for post-workout recovery. Casein protein is absorbed more slowly so it’s great if you like to take protein as meal replacement before bed to help build muscle. Either way, I recommend choosing a grass-fed whey and look for one that is unsweetened or sweetened with stevia.

Some of my top picks:
💪Garden of Life Sport Whey Protein
💪Now Sports Micellar Casein
💪Naked Whey
💪Naked Casein


Vegan protein powders usually have a blend of plant-sourced proteins to make the powder a complete protein. Typically there will be pea, rice, lentil, bean, soy, hemp, flax, and/or quinoa protein in the powder. Soy and pea protein are complete proteins on their own though so it’s okay if they are the only ingredient! Remember to look for it to be unsweetened or sweetened with stevia!

Some of my top picks:
💪Garden of Life Sport Plant-Based Protein
💪Vega Protein & Greens Protein Powder
💪Now Sports Soy Protein Isolate
💪Sunwarrior Vegan Protein

Written by: Brooke Elwart

For more information contact her at or follow her on facebook at B.E. FIT

3 Mistakes Holding You Back

How many times have you considered starting to create a healthier lifestyle but held off? 🤷‍♀️Let’s be honest, there are countless excuses we can use to put off doing things that take time and effort but in the end give us the satisfaction we desire. Maybe you’ve thought about getting a gym membership🏋️‍♀️, hiring a coach🤓, or implementing a healthier diet🥕, but have you used one of these 3 excuses:

1. Waiting until the “right” time to start
2. Letting others make decisions for you
3. Doubting your own abilities

Do NOT make those 3 mistakes!

Let’s break down these excuses:
1. There is never a “right time” to start something new. Life will always be busy and there will always be new excuses to use. Think of it like this – if you start now, there’s a chance that a few months from now, you could already be at your goal. If you keep putting it off, there’s zero chance that you are at that goal in a few months. So give yourself a chance and start now!✨
2. You are the only person who can make decisions for your own life. Asking people’s opinions and/or advice is different from letting them decide for you. It’s perfectly okay to get advice from friends and family but in the end, you are the only one who can decide to go for your goal and create your ideal life.🌟
3. You need to believe in yourself. Doubting yourself is taking the easy way out of reaching your goals. It’s easy to say “I don’t think I can do it so I’m not gonna try”. If that’s your mindset, your goals will continue to stay just an idea and will never become your reality. Have some confidence in yourself and accept that the possibility of failure is OKAY, failing at something is not a total loss.

You will either
1. succeed or
2. fail, learn from it, and try again so in the end there is no real loss.💫

Moral of the story: if you have a goal, just go for it. If it’s a health and/or fitness goal and you need help with getting started, message me to chat!💗

Written by Fitness Coach Brooklyn Elwart

For more info contact her at

happiness, quote, Rebekah's Health & Nutrition

Stressed Spelled Backward Spells Desserts.


We all have it

We all have different forms of it within our lives

And we all respond or handle it very differently

The good thing is that our bodies are wired similarly, so the common recommendations for stress management typically work with most bodies and lifestyles. How we all physically respond to stress is typically the same, but the differences come in with how we express or cope.

When your body is going through high stressful times or situations it gets put into the fight- or- flight response. Your nervous system responds by releasing a large amount of stress hormones, also known as adrenaline and cortisol. This goes back to primal days of emergency reaction of survival. These hormones cause an entourage of reactions within the body. Your heart rate will be pounding faster, your muscles get more tense and tight, blood pressure rises, you are not having slow & steady breathing and your five senses become very sharp on high alert.

I am sure you can see how if your body is in this state for too long it can be very damaging. Your heart is a muscle, with high blood pressure and high heart rate, it will become tired. With short breathing you are going to have lower oxygen levels. Your tense muscles will cause muscle fatigue after too long. Not to mention the damage done to your adrenal glands from over production and usage.

Good news is there are plenty of things to do to help alleviate the physical responses which will improve your overall quality of life.

  1. MEDITATION/YOGA. Learning to consciously slow your breathing down and take deeper breathes will not only help increase oxygen levels but also aid in lowering your heart rate and possibly blood pressure. I think the greatest benefit of yoga is the practice of mindfulness with your body.
  2. Magnesium. Magnesium is also used for a natural muscle relaxer which helps the muscle tension. Under high stress magnesium is released from blood cells into blood plasma. This can lead to a magnesium deficiency. You will be filling your magnesium needs in addition to decompressing your central nervous system and muscles.
  3. Acupuncture. While stress activates the sympathetic nervous system acupuncture can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which is the relaxation response.
  4. Kava. Kava has been used for centuries in the South Pacific as a medicinal remedy from skin irritations or wounding’s to social gatherings and an anti-anxiety/stress reliever. Ingesting Kava helps activate a quick relaxation within the body.

none of these statements are evaluated by the FDA and you should always consult a primary caregiver before using these recommendations.

Written by: Holistic Nutrition Health Coach Lili Conner

Magnesium Source, Rebekah's Health & Nutrition

Nothing burns as bright as atomic number 12

People often come into the “Rebekah’s” expressing discomfort with nerves, muscle cramping, restless leg syndrome, headaches, or their children having issues concentrating with schoolwork. Upon digging deeper, I find myself leading them over to the Magnesium section. How can one mineral supplement help with all these misalignments? Let us dive in and break it down. Why is Magnesium a raving supplement these days?

Magnesium is necessary for over 300 different enzymatic reactions within the body. Homie say what?! Magnesium is essential for DNA production, protein synthesis, bone growth, regulating muscle and nerve function. Even blood sugar and pressure regulation. It is classified as a macro-mineral, along with calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and sulfur. The body requires lower levels of micro minerals and higher levels of macro minerals. It makes sense why Magnesium can alleviate discomforts associated with those areas when deficient. Simply adding a magnesium supplement to your daily regimen, may relieve your nerve, muscle, or even digestive issues.

So, how do you know if you are deficient in magnesium? Some things to pay attention for would be persistent nausea, fatigue, consistent muscle cramps, or nerve issues. Given the stressors we are encountering due to a global pandemic, our children returning to school and shifts in our daily routines, stress and anxiety are affecting us all. Magnesium may just be what you need to take the edge off and allow your central nervous system to heal. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical. If you are too low in magnesium it has been linked to reduced serotonin levels.

Magnesium is also known as a natural “laxative”, which I use that term loosely. There are different forms of magnesium. Magnesium citrate is commonly known as more of an assistant with digestion than the other forms, citrate is an osmotic laxative. I urge you to research the different forms to find which form and delivery system would work best for you and your lifestyle.

Lastly, magnesium helps aid in many enzymes that control nerve cell function. Which will help improve memory, concentration, and learning. Who could not benefit from that? Whether you are a momma at home being the main educator, or a gym rat looking for better muscle recovery. Best of health to you and your family!

Check out my favorite magnesium supplement @

Written by: Holistic Health Coach Lili Conner
